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Gnizmo said:

Bodhesatva said:

No one here actually believes we're having way more fun than our great grandparents, can you? Please don't tell me you're that narcissistic.

Because if games are actually getting more fun, that's the only conclusion one could draw. And again, our great great great great grandparents must have been having negative fun.

You better believe people are having more fun today than they did 1,000 years ago. Back then life was hard and short. There was no quick transportation, horrendus medicinal practices, and no way to artificially manipulate the temperature of your immediate surrondings. Broken bones could often mean death, and a bad infection could easily cost you a limb. I am having a shit load more fun with none of that hanging over my head,

And yet, all research indicates that people today are no more happy than people 20 years ago, 50 years, or more.

Absolutely every single piece of research I have ever seen -- ever -- indicates that we have not gotten happier as we have gotten richer, fatter and more comfortable. There are literally hundreds of studies done on this precise subject, and they have all reached effectively the same conclusion, in every one I've read.

In other words, you are wrong.">">