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Personally, I think Chess and Go are better than both of these games. My favorite game released in the last 2-3 years is Portal, a game that hardly pushes the envelope in terms of graphical or technical complexity.

In short, games do not get better as the graphics or even the tech get better (they don't get worse -- I'm not suggesting that -- I'm simplying saying they don't get better, either). Games likely will not be better in 10 years, just as games were not worse 10 years ago, or 100. If that weren't the case and the level of fun actually was increasing, then people who lived 50 years ago would have been having much less fun than us and people who lived 200 years ago would have died of boredom/antifun before they died of Cholera.

This isn't to say that GTA IV isn't a better game than Ocarina of Time, by the way. I haven't played the former and the latter wasn't my favorite game to begin with. Instead, I'm just pointing out that games aren't getting any better than they were, and the perception that they are is entirely that; a perception. I hereby declare that there is no correlation between "fun-factor" and "technical and graphical complexity."">">