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It's more expensive but the content, the characters at least, are more meaningful. I love Mario kart but I play smash more. The tracks are great but you play them for a set amount of time and they are not going to draw you as much as you want. Ryu is something I am going back to on Wii u and on 3ds. And Roy is pretty awesome and not a complete clone no more. So it is what it is. I bought the Mario kart dlc and like it for what it is and I have all the character and stage dlc and love it.

DLC is not something going away and if they can charge premium they will. I would say don't buy it if you don't want it but I bought it and many others too. Nintendo has sales on things so if the price is not to your liking want until the sale comes. Boom problem solved. We need to stop complaining about dlc unless it is on disc.