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I'd love to play Star Ocean, but Wii or not, I'm not sure if I'd buy it unless their was some super amazing stuff done, but Star Ocean 3 was amazingly detailed 2 was freaking fun and 1 was well the source of 2 and stuff.

It's mixed feelings for me on this title, but my motto is not to support devs who think graphics is the end all, that's how companys like EA come around, they don't even shoot for graphics anymore... freakin' EA.

If this comes out on the Wii I'd wait till my friends talk about it, if it comes out for the PS3 then I won't be buying it =/ my P3 is strictly for playing PS2 games (Monster Hunter), browsing the internet, and watching previews and playing demos to things I probably won't buy, such is the life of a system which is awesome but who's controler is made of fail.

My left analog broke =(, I think it's like $80 USD to get another =(, So I'm just going to wait till the PS3mote is released.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D