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ChronotriggerJM said:
naznatips said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
Oh I think they're reasonably fair reviewers Naz, I just find them lacking on that quick to whip attitude when it comes to Nintendo games.

I watch Zero Punctuation, and he trashes almost EVERY game company, no pardons for Nintendo. Again he LOVES Valve, and we ALL will have our little forms of bias, but I won't say I don't feel the lean towards Nintendo from penny arcade. That one comic strip was plenty to make it obvious, then they're reviews in general show it as well. At least to me they do :P

They are just honest about their opinions...

Of course they are, they just biased opinions is what I'm saying :P It's ok to obsess over valve, they release a game every how many years? Same with Assassins creed, it was a single title. I see them do it almost every time a Nintendo game is released (which is many a games). I find them to be good reviewers, I just DEFINITELY think they're biased towards Nintendo :P

Do you have any examples of this?  I have yet to see them gush over a Nintendo game.  They say some are fun, but they hardly worship them.  Even reading that Mario Kart review, they said it's tons of fun in multiplayer, and that's something that nearly every review has agreed on.  Their opinion is that complaining about Single-player in Mario Kart is pointless, and that all they care about is that the multiplayer is a blast.  I agree with this.  Truthfully, they often completely ignore some Nintendo games.   Most of their news summaries are related to HD console and PC games.