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bdbdbd said:
Aquietguy said:
Foshoryuken said:

In your guys' opinion, why is Nintendo on top and winning right now?

As you can all see, Nintendo Wii is still a hot commodity and on top..But why?

Luck of the draw?

Better games?


I'll have to say because of two reasons.
1) The price point. It has always been low so it attracted more attention than the other two higher priced consoles.
2) The wii mote. They went the innovation route instead of the traditional.
Because of this they have expanded to market. They did the right thing because, if they would have went the traditional route, the ps3 would win the gen. Eventually pasting the 360 and they would have been third again. They knew that they had to go another path to beat the 900 pound gorilla named play station. The wii would have been called the kiddy console with HD. 


No, the pricepoint isn't low. It's "standard". PS2 isn't outselling Wii even that it's cheaper. 360 is currently cheaper than Wii, and apparently it's still not outselling Wii, and besides, 360 has been on a similar (standard) pricerange for quite some time, while Wii has still outsold it by large margin. Wii Remote is only half of the truth, since it's really nothing without the software supporting it. Just like the gyroscopic function in PS3 controller, bad or half-assed support at most part, makes it a non-factor. So, saying Nintendo made appealing product that is well supported by the main product (software) without pricing it too high (now, being the most expensive Nintendo console doesn't equal cheap), would be a better answer. And since you had only two posts, welcome to VGChartz.

Thanks! But I'm not new to VG charts since I have been reading post for a while. I just decided to start posting. When I say lower price point I was comparing it to the other consoles this gen. But you are in agreement with me in your post.