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First of all, we don't know their sales expectations for this game. So we cannot assume that the expectations placed on most games apply to this one. I'll fill you in on something I heard from the Giant bombcast concerning massive sales projections.

Games can be considered "failures" even if they go past breaking even. Why is this? Big publishers need their "hits" to do well enough to cover potential "misses". So developers not only have to develop a game that does well for them, it also has to do well enough to cover for other developers within the same company whose performance could hurt the publisher. Most major game publishers are held to this standard, but I don't think Nintendo is.

Even if this game was (which I highly doubt), we don't know the development costs and sales expectations for Splatoon. We only have an idea of how much they're spending on marketing and no key data associated with development costs. Wait until we have more evidence before declaring it a failure...