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The fact that people, as well as the media, pay any substantial attention to VR in general is a symptom of the video game industry's sorry state. The simple truth is that developers fail to innovate with new gameplay ideas, and instead resort to the Nintendo strategy. A strategy which proved to be greatly rewarding short-term at best.

The Wii U GamePad is seen as clumsy by most core gamers. Yet for some reason we are to believe that they'd be willing to play games under conditions where their entire vision of the outside world is impaired?

Are you serious? Even if you don't particularly like the idea of VR, you can't use a word like 'impaired' in association with VR, it's disingenuous. The whole point in VR is that your vision of an alternative world is 'enhanced'.

The OP is right, MS are deliberately using this. MS do this all the time:

HD-DVD was mever a Blu-ray alternative simply because Blu-ray was supported by a hell of a lot more people but it held back sales of Blu-ray for a while which was their objective

MS coined the word 'Parity' back on the 360 so that they could put 1080(p) on their game boxes. This was designed to confuse consumers

Sony announced the Gaikai acquisition which was a cloud based gaming tech and MS then began talking about Cloud all the time. This was once again to accociate the word 'cloud' with the XB1 and they still do it to this day. Fortunately Sony don't even mention cloud any more and choose to just relate to PSNow as a service.

And now we have VR


The PS5 Exists.