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After spending so many hours on this POS game, I say POS now because how I have been royally fucked.

This game is a huge broken POS. There are now two ways around it.

I did everything in my power to get a certain ending, the one where Ciri is empress. I got royally screwed out of my ending because the game decided to throw a few very important side quests that I had completed into the failed quests column.

I captured video of it happening. There is nothing that will make me go back and ever play this game or any other witcher game again. I have almost 300 hours invested into this game, and now I feel I have completely wasted my time.

F.U. CDPR, you will never get my money again. Witcher 3 just went from a great game to a mediocre game in my eyes.

Edit: This game doesn't deserve to be mentioned as a GOTY contender. No game put on shelves this broken should ever be GOTY.