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SvennoJ said:

Odd, I had a game crash before on ps4 and it offered uploading the last bit of gameplay and let me enter a description of what was going on at the time of the crash. I guess that's not standard. Or does the entire machine crash?

I can't finish the lvl 35 Creature from Oxenfurt forest quest (Opinicus) in Velen. I managed to wear him down at lvl 22, guerilla warfare style, long long fight. I had to come back later as he bugged out at some point stuck in a tight flying loop. After doing the missing brother quest the griffen luckily came unstuck. However the person I have to go to to collect the reward and xp is dead, floating up and down in the ground with his feet twisting in sync.

The lvl 33 quest missing brother quest you get when you enter Velen turned out to be easy and very boring. Bad AI let me pump the spider full of arrows from a safe distance, like shooting the tail of the dragon in Dark Souls. At least I got rid of all those heavy crossbow bolts I had collected over time.

I'm in Skellige finally, the glitches continue but it's better than Novigrad so far. I wish Geralt would stop flirting with Yen though, have some decency man. It doesn't matter what option you pick.

I hope I don't run into that crashing bug, probably will as I seem to run into every other possible bug in the game :/

PS4 allows you to report the bug and it captures what causes the bug and allows you to send it as well. But it never let's youkeep the glitch footage. Once you send the bug report it doesn't give you access to the last 15 minutes of gameplay footage. You have to hit the share button before it crashes.

I was not able to do that 'til yesterday. If you look at Ciri's face in the vid, you will see her with crocodile bumps on her skin. It's happened before so when spotted the bug I knew it was about to crash. I hit the share button quickly, or it would not have let me keep the bug/glitch footage.