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dane007 said:

Thats a shame. I can't  say much as its pretty much flawless on pc. Yea  the game sis pretty awesome. For me its the best RPG this generation and definetly best one this year. Wow you have dedicated qyuite a bit on it. Is this just one playthrough or multiple?  I dont blame, i would be frustatied  if i experienced that many issues. I wonder if peopel playing xbox one suffers the same issues as you ?

This just happened to me: 


It's happened to me quite a few times, but it always crashes before I can get any footage. And PS4 doesn't let you capture anything once it crashes. But I noticed it happening and I quickly hit the share button to save. It let me keep only about a minute and a half of footage, but enough to capture the bug.

Every time this happens, the game crashes. I go through at least 3 crashes a day at the moment. 


 Edit: Here's another random bug: