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HoloDust said:
SvennoJ said:
Fighting on the horse... I tried it, impossible with the frame rate and the camera, too hard to watch. It's Quen and Igni for me as well, plus whatever bombs I have equipped. The horse is better for running past enemies, Geralt always turns to face them instead of jogging along, and you can't climb when enemies are near.

Try Aard sometimes , I find it's good for crowd control, if you have decent sign intensity it knocks down enemies for a while, so it's good for packs. Specially since it gives you a chance to kill them then with one stab.

I use Aard too, but there is a weird delay in that spell. It takes half a second before they realize they have been hit. It's quite funny to watch actually. However sometimes the delay is long enough that they manage to get a hit in after I've already cast Aard.
Axii and Igni are more reliable. Igni is good to quickly get rid of low level annoying packs and Axii is an immediate stun without delay.
I only use Yrden for Noonwraiths, kinda useless spell.

Quen together with the upgrade to use Adreneline points for casting makes it possible to keep hitting high level golems continuously while dodging around them. Still takes a while to chop one of those down.