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torok said:
Netyaroze said:

Valve can not be bought unless Gabe wants it. And he will not sell. Valve is his baby he is a billionaire and idealist. I doubt he can be bought by anyone. 3 billion was 2012 so could be 4-5 already. Also its just estimations as Valve is not publicly traded. Their value would explode if there would be stocks also are there even numbers of what they earn publicly available ? Valve could be way bigger then estimated, only they know their exact worth. 

Oh, 4 or 5B? My god, now MS can't bought it! I know it isn't publicy traded. I'm just pointing to the ridiculous assumption that a gargantuan company like MS could not buy a much smaller one like Valve. And please, idealist? Don't be so damn naive. People said the same things about Notch and we know how it ended up. If he was an idealist, he wouldn't put DRM on his games. He is a businessman. His company is private because it probably isn't ready to go to the stock market or it simple isn't interesting for its profile, at least yet. Going public doesn't means that "anyone" can buy Valve. He could do that and keep the majority of shares and things would be exactly like they are, except because their financials would have to be public announced.

About the value, go to the stocks will usually make you valu increase. But even a massive increase to, let's say 10B still would be under MS reach. It's basically what they paid for Nokia. So, my point remains: MS obviously has the resources to buy Valve if Gabe is willing to say or if they start being public traded and with ease.

Also notice that while the value tends to increase with an open capital at first, it can go down extremely quickly if the quarterly numbers aren't what investors expect.

Ofcourse MS could buy it if it was for sale. There is no discussion. My point was that it would require a respectable amount of money even for MS to buy it. However Gabe is too rich to be bought and he is different than Notch. He build his own company vision over decades with a very unique managment structure and philosophies. He has fun doing this. Why would he sell if he already has so much money that he can not possibly spend. 

Time will tell however I personally think nobody will buy valve aslong as they are doing fine, until gabe dies or steps back.