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Fighting on the horse... I tried it, impossible with the frame rate and the camera, too hard to watch. It's Quen and Igni for me as well, plus whatever bombs I have equipped. The horse is better for running past enemies, Geralt always turns to face them instead of jogging along, and you can't climb when enemies are near.

I found a wonderful cave today, it was raining underground, quite magical. Some talented bandits too that were banging on an open door, good mime technique with sound and all. The people inside didn't seem to notice. I tried to climb to that tree in the south of Velen again (road to bald mountain). This time the lvl 26 foglets didn't pose too much trouble, yet the only way up seems to be behind a locked door. I searched the 3 groups of houses and the underground passages, found some notes but no quest nor key anywhere and only more invisible walls preventing climbing up. I only have 2 high lvl contracts left in Velen, nothing for that tree place.
I guess I'll head to Skellige tomorrow, the game obviously doesn't want me up there :/

That leshen with the wolves was a bit of a surprise. I barely managed to get away to regroup. If you go far enough away you can take the wolves on one at a time while the leshen patiently waits at his tree.