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Every one here at work is hyped, well a few of the guys anyway, last night was the midnight launch for it in Aus and there’s been videos and images and goss about the game going around the office all day. I cant believe all these perfect scores and stuff I’m hearing about, one of my co-workers was on the IGN site and they scored it 10/10 and if the 5/5 ranking on that other site is true then this game is better then my beloved Nintendo games :'(

I laughed at that grass pop up vid posted on another forum cos you just have to love to hate the games that get lifted up all high and mighty :p if this game is really as popular as its being made out to be then eventually its gonna out sell that other GTA game that got like 15 mill of sales. Does any one think it really is that popular or is this all hype?

I mean its only selling on an install base of like 30 million consoles so for now it seems unlikely that it would out do its predecessor which sold 15 mill on a 100+ install base. If 15% of the ps3 360 install base buy the game then thats still and impressive 4.5 mill of sales. But does it have the ability to go beyond the previous GTA games in sales? It is a marvelious game at that and the depth and detail is awesome! I'm not a fan but I admire the work put into this game!

But im jealous! thats why I want to know if you think this game is really all that in the eye of the consumer or if Nintendo will continue to pull through this with wii fit and mario and take the lime light back?

If at first you don't succeed, you fail