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I hate to say it but theres a possibility that it won't be able to handle spore and or the sims 3. I say this because in your link it shows that it has an integrated gpu. I exchanged the laptop i got for christmas (had a 338mb shared integrated gpu) because it couldn't even handle the orange box at the minimum settings. It also failed to run age of empires 3 at a decent framerate.


orangebox min specs

System requirements Minimum:
1.7 GHz processor,
512 MB RAM,
128MB Video card,
20GB available Hard drive space,
DirectX 8 level graphics card,
Windows 2000/XP/Vista,
Internet connection [9]

aoe3 minimum specs

System requirements Windows XP, 1.4 GHz Processor that supports Streaming SIMD Extensions, 256 MB RAM, 64 MB video card capable of Hardware TnL, 2 GB free hard disk space (PC)[2]


the main problem with going away from the integrated gpu to a dedicated gpu is the increased power consumption