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SvennoJ said:
HoloDust said:

I loved the might and magic games. I played 4, 5 and 6. That was a true completionist dream, kill every living thing in the game and they never come back :) Damn you could get so powerful in the end you could take out an entire zone with one spell. Too bad they went with Aliens and silly blasters at the end. The Herous spin off was pretty great turn based strategy as well. I never played Dark Messiah though, WoW still owned my life back then.

At least it's not crashing, it has that over Fallout NV. Yet in hindsight New Vegas ran pretty damn well compared to W3.

Ha, another M&M fan, didn't know that - I still find M&M 6/7 one of the best party based RPGs ever made - I didn't mind those alien stuff, well at least not know how it was back then, it was common trope started by Ultima, if I'm not mistaken. I played X-Legacy a while ago, it was decent, but nowhere near as those old games - I'm intensly hating UBI for buying IP and doing nothing with it for years, and then investing so little in it.

But then again, party based, turn-based combat cRPGs are not so hot anymore, so we have to look for smaller studios to scratch that itch - that inXile's Bard's Tale KS is looking exactly like something that could do just that - wasn't so big of a fan of BT back in Amiga days, but this looks very promising.

As of DMoMM, it's first person...whatever we call melee/spell combat games...with RPG elements. Unlike M&M, it's quite linear and you have only one character, but I remember really enjoying it. Just checked, it's currently dirt cheap on Steam.