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curl-6 said:
Nicklesbe said:

I notice you highlighted part of my post..however you didn't actually read it. Or perhaps you didn't understand. My claim is absolutely true. Your own examples prove it. Fatal frame: a game about hormonal teenagers, that no surprise is designed to appeal to hormonal teenagers. The main character shown in trailers is literally a cliche'd school girl made to appeal to anime pervs. Devil's 3rd is basically CoD turned into a hack and slash with a story that is essentially CoD without satellite support with hack and slash. Have you watched the trailer? It screams "Are you a teenage boy that feel impotent and powerless? Here's this awesome power-trip that's worse than the worst 90's film". Shin Megami X Fire Emblem as much as I love fire emblem and excited that they are bringing it to wii u it is not designed for adults. It's literally about hormonal teenagers that are sent to a highschool to learn how to fight war. Bayonetta know damn well that is designed with only hormonal teens in mind. If you can't recognize that oversexed mess for what it is then there is something seriously wrong with you.

Next time please actually read what I say and really think before you post. Because you literally just proved my point with your examples. Thanks for that. I'll say it again. Nintendo has shown they are no longer willing to appeal to adult gamers and only seem to want to appeal to young kids or young teens with raging hormones. IE if it's not overly cartoony it's oversexed, and if it's neither then Nintendo doesn't really want anything to do with it. and you just helped me prove that.

Nintendo's "cartoony" games are played by more adults than children.

That's absolutely irreverent and has no affect on the point. Like myself those adults grew up with Nintendo, so there is a lot of loyalty there as well as nostalgia. Many have kids or grand kids and nieces and nephews and play with them. That doesn't change the fact that Nintendo has seemingly abandoned appealing to adults and the realities of being an adult and instead chooses to appeal to children and nostalgia. That's nice some of the time but sometimes ya just want to play a game that appeals to you, not a game that appeals to who you were when you were younger.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)