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Just thought I would post this, as it's new information. We have heard that the load times were shorter on the PS3, but GameSpot is saying there are times when the 360 version has load screens, and the PS3 has none. Loading less often is new information.


If you're wondering about differences between the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of Grand Theft Auto IV, the truth is that there aren't many. The PS3 version can only be played after a mandatory install that takes around 10 minutes, and its load times are a little shorter and less frequent as a result. The visuals, which don't always hold up to close scrutiny but are impressive during typical gameplay, are comparable and feature the same quirks (shadows that flicker, for example) on both consoles.

They gave it a 10 btw. 

Gah! I forgot to put GTA in the name!