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Xenoblade Chronicles X: The Kotaku Import Preview


The main story of Xenoblade X is not exactly meaty—it is only 12 missions long. However, that doesn’t mean the game isn’t packed with other content. There a numerous side quests to be done in between story missions—one or two of which are usually prerequisites for starting the next story mission.


These quests take two forms. The first are quest board-style quests with no story component, just a blurb telling you where to go or what to do. The other set of side quests are called “bond” quests. These quests allow you to create an emotional bond with various citizens of New L.A. You get a few short cutscenes detailing their lives and problems in the crashed space colony.


This is one of those games where flat-out grinding is often a quicker way to level up than questing. Unfortunately, the battles tend to be as monotonous as the quests.


Strangely, there are no line-of-sight rules in Xenoblade X. As such, an enemy can attack you through walls (or even mountains) as if there is no obstruction at all. The lack of line-of-sight rules for the AI also makes typical MMORPG battle tactics like line-of-sight pulling and kiting impossible. Running away from a hopeless battle is likewise much more difficult.


If I were to describe my 70 hours with Xenoblade X in one word, it would be “boredom.” The main story did little to get me invested, the side quests were repetitive at best, and the combat was a painfully monotonous slog even with the advanced classes unlocked.



Well, how will reviewers react to this game after Dragon Age Inquisition and The Witcher 3? Do you feel that Kotaku is being unreasonably harsh? Personally, the game needs to be really unique to strike a chord because the RPG bar had been raised by a decent amount.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine