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Kresnik said:
MikeRox said:

I need to talk to the inlaws, don't even know if I can get my own copy yet, but I'll keep you posted.

I may have found an interested party, but thanks!  Let me know anyway.

I'm actually beginning to think whether I really want it.  I mean, I do like collecting physical media, but I'm not sure what I've played of Ar no Surge on PS3 is worth going through all this hassle and inflated prices just to get a copy of when I can pick it up in a PSN sale for £20 a few months after release.

One thing though - did you order HTOL#NIQ of NIS America's website?  If so, do they accept European cards on their site?  I have a VISA debit card but I'm not sure whether they'll accept it on there since it's a UK billing address.

 I got Htol#Niq from eBay. Looking at money atm this month I don't think I'll be able to put any sort of order in since July so I'll probably just look to buy off a US eBayer unless through some miracle it's not sold out by the end of the month. Can you not pay NISA by PayPal or anything?

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.