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You say that as if the 3DS doesn't get lesser third party releases, when games like Hatsune Miku, The Legend of Legacy, Etrian Mystery Dungeon, Theatrythm Dragon Quest, etc. have recently released amongst a slew of anime games and larger third party releases, with more on the horizon like Dragon Ball, Stella Glow, Ace Attorney, Project X Zone 2, Langrisser, etc.

Anyhow, the Vita is a safe haven for niche titles in Japan. God Eater wouldn't work on 3DS because it wouldn't be able to compete with Monster Hunter. Basically, some titles just wouldn't get the same recognition on the 3DS as their presence would be overshadowed. It's a good way to ensure profit or at least some publicity when a publisher chooses the PSVita as their platform (at least in Japan).

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread