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misterd said:
Coca-Cola said:
do you know that difference theories between creationists and intelligent design?
or are they the same?

I know the technical difference, but the reality is that ID is being pushed almost exclusively by fundamentalist Christians (not Hindus, Muslims, Jews, etc), and supported by the same people and organizations that support creationism.

If you look at the "ID textbook" that some tried to get into schools - Of Pandas and People - it was written as a creationist book, and edited after the 1987 Supreme Court ruling to replace the word "creationism" with "Intelligent Design". (not coincidentally, after that court ruling there was a dramatic shift in the use of the term ID over Creationism in FC literature).

ID is simply part of the "Wedge Stratedy" ( that FC's created with the explicit purpose of a Christian revival in the US.  However, when that memo surfaced as part of the Dover trial, the plan was essentially scrapped as the WS had become a liability. Even ID is being downplayed again in favor or Creationism. I have to give creationists credit for being able to adapt so well to their legal and political environments.

I could make a good long list of physicists that would suggest that ID is a possibility. A lot of these people are not christian and aren't talking about evolution vs creation. See this is the problem ID has become an umbrella under which there are many theories. ID started as an idea in the spectrum of creation to evolution as it relates to christianity.

    • Flat Earthers
    • Geocentrists
    • Young Earth Creationists
      • (Omphalos)
    • Old Earth Creationists
      • (Gap Creationism)
      • (Day-Age Creationism)
      • (Progressive Creationism)
      • (Intelligent Design Creationism)
    • Evolutionary Creationists
    • Theistic Evolutionists
    • Methodological Materialistic Evolutionists
    • Philosophical Materialistic Evolutionists

But now the term is getting applied to any area of science or quasi-science which claims to point to god. So the defintition is changing.

Side Note: Young Earth Creationist and IDC are completley defferent.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

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