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SvennoJ said:
HoloDust said:

Yeah it was Menge. I was stalling talking to him while Triss got all her fingernails pulled in the next room lol. She wanted to play tough...
That leaves you the option to go out without confrontation, however that door didn't work at first so I tried the other door and still ended up fighting everyone. (wasn't a problem as they couldn't navigate the stairs, picked em off with a crossbow while triss was throwing fire balls)

Yeah I would have like to go back to White Orchard and teach those Nilfguardians a lesson, same with the ladies of the woods and now indeed the witch hunters. I suddenly got a quest failed notification as I was progressing the story, failed the gangs of Novigrad. Is it worth it to load a previous save for that? I didn't have that quest yet, but the failure text showed where I should have picked it up.

The game can be very annoying with how restrictive it is. For example I bought the fancy clothes for the ball but didn't put them on yet. I get back to Triss, choose "I've got the masks" which apparently translated to, drop everything we go now, followed by a loading scene and then my inventory is locked out. Reload. It happens too often that what you pick doesn't match with what he says or does. Maybe lost in translation? Plus why can't I use signs when I get ambushed in the maze.

Good to hear Skellige has better design, something to look forward too while finishing up Novigrad.

It is quite restrictive, and, as I said in one of my posts, I would actually prefer it if it was more linear like W2 - as someone who played a lot of open-world WRPGs, some design choices in W3 seem very primitive, which I wouldn't mind so much in more linear game.

As for that particular quest - tbh, I vaguelly remember what Gangs of Novigrad quest was...though it was not 2 days ago I was still in Novigrad. Honestly, can't say is it worth it, I think I finished every last one that was available (and achievable at my level), but honestly, I didn't like Novigrad that much - large city, but I haven't really felt is somewhat...I don't know...boring.

Skellige is for me (so far) something I hoped this game would be prior to starting it - good story, with great exploration. Vellen is, IMO, poorly designed for exploration that doesn't feel like waste of time without POIs and Skellige has finally gave me opportunity to wander around and not feel I'd miss something important if I don't go 100m further into the woods, in the bleeding land where everything is mostly flat and overgrown with trees.