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Looks like Axiom Verge on Vita will take longer than expected. Tom Happ, the one man team behind the game, is still waiting for the tools he needs to finish the Vita version. This news came out on May 14 and I hope he recieved the tools by then. Axiom verge has been out on PS4 since March 31 and it's a crossbuy title, so you own the Vita version if you bought that one.

"Vita port is definitely a super high priority and is probably the most frequently asked question. :) Right now we’re waiting for some tools from Sony, so there’s little that we can do until then. (In case you’re not aware, the game was originally made in MonoGame, which is supported by PS4. We’re waiting for MonoGame support for Vita.) We’ve been assured that those tools are actively being worked on, so as soon as we get those, I know Tom will be jumping right on it. The person creating those tools for Sony is using Axiom Verge as one of the test cases for the tool itself, so in some ways it will be designed for Axiom Verge. :)

Just want to make sure that everyone knows that this is super high priority for us. If there are any delays, please know that it’s not due to anyone – either at Sony or us – blowing it off or not caring."

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