Skullwaker said:
Yeah I mean if we look at the releases for the rest of the year side by side we have... Smash vs SMTxFE - arguably the two big releases, the latter has more system selling potential imo. The former is a big software mover. Bayonetta 2 vs Devil's Third - honestly will probably have the same impact. Yoshi vs Captain Toad - Yoshi is definitely a bigger and more recognized IP, so it should do more. Hyrule Warriors vs Mario Maker - I'm not sure about this. HW underperformed in JP, but I'm not sure if the Japanese will care about a level creator. I'll say this is even. Fatal Frame V vs Star Fox - FFV didn't do much for hardware. Star Fox is just a bigger IP (even in Japan), it should do better. And of course, that's not even counting titles we don't know about. Like you, I predict 2015 will be better than 2014. Let's just hope Splatoon carries the Wii U until July.
This one, Hyrule warriors did provide the Wii U with a pretty good bump. It did 18k Launch week. I do think Mario maker week will be the best week outside of holiday but that's because i'm expecting a 30th anniversary mario edition Wii U bundled with the game. I know nintendo usually sucks at these but this one I really feel is gonna happen.
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