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BlowoverKing said:

NO. STOP. My heart can't take this. First the Sen no Kiseki tease and now this? What's next, Sega teasing Phantasy Star nova? XSeed announcing Tokyo Xanadu localization? Please think of the children.

See, the thing is, I think Tokyo Xanadu is pretty much set in stone anyway.  XSEED are big Falcom fans, plus they have the exclusivity contract with them, so I think it will come.

And I think God Eater is pretty certain at this point too, given that there's a PS4 version.

Digimon; Tales of Innocence and Phantasy Star Nova are the most interesting ones to me.  I can see Bamco taking a gamble on Digimon like they did with Sword Art Online.  Tales - I don't see coming across at this point since it's been too long, but stranger things have happened.  Phantasy Star won't happen unless Sony get involved, but Third Party Productions are doing localization work, so we can hope?