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I was able to get my hands on a Samsung Galaxy S running 2.3 and it seems the problem actually lies in the sound system. I use a plugin called FMOD for some sound effects and whatnot (makes managing sounds easier as well, compared to Unity's default sound system). Unfortunately it doesn't seem to load correctly on 4.2 and under for some reason. I tried a few things to "fix" it, and by that I mean make it so the sound system isn't accessed if it doesn't load correctly (so that you could still play, but without sound), but the system is too intertwined into the game to just be able to not access it. The newest release I'm putting up (which has some other minor bug fixes and internal changes) will increase the minimum Android version required to 4.4 (Kit Kat), as that seems to be the lowest version that the game works.

I apologize to anyone who wanted to try it out but doesn't have the version high enough required. I am really disappointed this was never discovered during testing, specially back in early development, when steps could have been taken to ensure it worked on the lower Android versions. Alas, that is the downside to small time development, we don't have the resources to check every device and version (and since my teammates and friends are all pretty tech-savy, we all have the newest versions of everything, making finding a device that runs a lower version harder).

The iOS version is still pending, so I will post again once that is ready to go. Thanks for all your support and feedback, feel free to continue commenting and I will reply as soon as I can!