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Mummelmann said:
HoldDust; huge PB fan here, Gothic 1,2 and 3 all have spots in my top 20 of all time list.

Yeah, it's in my Top 10 favourite franchises (with 3+ entries).

You remember how PB gives you open worlds that you can explore how ever you like, yet subtly nudging you, either by really clever landscape design or by some really nasty monsters, to, let's say, prefer some areas more than others at certain level (although you can still go wherever you like from the start), so you never feel (although there is no handholding aids) lost or overwhelmed by the world?

Well, CDPR, although they've said Gothic is their influence, has a lot to learn from them when it comes to world design for free-roam - due to way how the landscape is too flatish and with immense amount of trees that are blocking line of sight, unfortunatelly, you'll have to decide from very early on whether you want to keep POIs on map and ruin immersion or disable them and turn your free-roam into combing the map affair.

This is my main problem with the game, everything else, with few little problems, I like quite a bit, but this alone is preventing me to treat this game as anything more than 8.5/10. I'm sure there are people who have zero problems with this, but for open-world game, IMO, this is major design oversight, and I honestly think that it would be better if it was more linear affair like W2.

However, though I might come off as bit too harsh, W3 is a blast to play, I can't keep myself from it, and, again, I recommend it to every WRPG fan.