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Tachikoma said:
Mnementh said:

What make you think they're doctored? Shinen is known to squeeze good visuals out of the available hardware and it doesn't seem unrealistic (not PS4-level for instance). Also as far as I know Shinen also isn't known for doctored images beforehand. I might be wrong though so I need your indications.

Fullscreen per pixel motion blur, or at least, what it tries to pass off as FSPPMB but is actually photo manip, same goes for the per object blur, crudely cut and applied to segments of the image.

The AA applied for the vehicles, especially in the first image, is TOO high, almost blurry, yet segments of the same vehicle show jagged edge, a jagged edge that suggests the AA on show is actually just smudge tool in photoshop applied after render output, the blurryness of textures as they reach geometrical edges lends hand to this theory too.

Then theres the portions of road under the main vehicle, close to its geometry that the motion blur filter applied to the rendered image missed, because its the edge of a crop and thus has no data to process a motion blur with.

In short, theyre bullshots, not because they look "too good" mind, but because the poor application of these manual processes gives it away.

First time I seen you back, so welcome back!