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bdbdbd said

No, i don't agree, Wii is getting a lot of PS360 customers. I was just pointing out what you actually were saying.

==> I m not sure you are right. This is only ur own guess.

You know what, you actually gave the answer what i was expecting to the first question. Notice how you said yet, well as for some games, i doubt we will see them on Wii, but every platform has its exclusives.
Now the thing is, that Wii haven't yet had its full impact on PS360, most of the PS360 games started on 2007, 2006 and even pre PS3 launch, are still in developement. After these games are out, the publishers will head for Wii, since game that's developent is started today, have plenty of time to enter the 2009 christmas market (while PS360 title may hit 2010 market), when Wii has bigger userbase than PS3 and 360 combined.

==> u are talking about the swtching of devs from PS360 to Wii, OK

So, after the games are out, Wii kills the competition (i expect that 2009 is declining sales for PS360, and 2010 will be "death" for the competition, as in context you're talking about). Wii already has quite a few exclusives that the others don't have, with the exception, that quite a few "HD exclusive" title will be ported to Wii, but not the other way around.

==> that is your prediction.

I see the things differently. I think Wii will get a lot of support but I doubt PS360 will stop to have their own support. They will have less games (need more money/time) but they will continue to have games from third devs (+ firsty devs). PS360 is a huge users base with very active players that play and buy games. I doubt third party devs will stop making games for them since they buy a lot of games. 

Also technically, the Wii has limitation. Some devs will just prefers focus on HD because they are aiming high ended visuals for more cinematics games.

Also EVEN IF Wii is getting all the games (even the mature, even the hardcore), the hardcore gamers will continue to focus on the PS360 because it will give them the best visuals and the best online community (compared to the Wii).  

By Xmas 08 both Sony/MS will have their own "motion sensing" controler so hardcore gamers will not have to switch back to the Wii. 

Wii has had supply constrains in NA virtually its whole lifetime, and catching 360 in less than 2 years in 360:s strongest market (and the reason why it took so long has been the limited supply), so i hardly would call it "Wii+360" domination.
Besides, you just gave an answer why the 360 is selling by saying people will get 360 Arcades if they can't find Wiis.

==> ok, let's call it "Wii domination".

And no, the arcadeXbox360 is not really selling.

Actually, this is the Wii that is killing the Xbox360 arcade offer by being A LOT more attractive for casuals than the Xbox360 arcade is. Without the Wii, the 270$/199€ entry price of the Xbox360 would drive the Xbox360 beyond 100k weekly in NA/PAL

If nobody is complaining, what's with all the fanboys ranting about "Wii is destroying gaming", while it clearly was someone else (considering the earlier dominant position in the market: Sony) who destroyed it.

==> I m not sure WHY Sony destroyed gaming.

But I assume people posting online (= mostly hardcore gamers) are not happy to see the Wii selling very well when the console that they want to buy (Xbox360/PS3), because they could play the games they want to play (mature hardcore games), are selling less.

Whatever, Wii is increasing the market, so yes, a lot of casuals/nongamers are very happy with the Wii but these guys are not registered in IGN/VGChartz.

I believe you pointed out yourself why PS2 was able to "kill" the competition, and i pointed out why this same thing will happen with Wii "killing" the competition.

And as Tuoyo pointed out, this generation isn't really different from the previous one.

==> In these points I dont believe. i see so much things different.

@Dno: Your conclusion about the price was wrong, although how you made the basis was right.
So, PS2 sold well with "standard" price, Wii is selling even better with "standard" price, and PS3 sells badly with high price, so by making a conclusion, price effects in a way, that if something is expensive, it doesn't sell well. Not in a way that if something is standard priced, it sells good by default (just look at GC sales). And besides, PS3, which is more expensive, have been outselling 360 in USA for the whole year and in Europe since launch. 

==> Yep, Wii is mainly selling because of her content. 

Be sure that a "250$" console could completely BOMB if it is not well supported.

Time to Work !