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Ubisoft has just announced that a new Prince of Persia title will be coming out in 2008 to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. In development by the Montreal studio (the guys who always make the Prince of Persia games), the title will feature a new illustrative art style (which sounds gorgeous...even without any screens). In addition, Ubisoft has confirmed a separate Prince of Persia title in development for the DS. We wish that we had more details for you, but we're fairly confident in promising our readership a new pair of balloon pants and lots of sand.

The official Website :

Well this is certainly a new look for Ubisoft's official Prince of Persia website. Clicking on the link below takes you to a flash animation of glowing blue glyphs (words?) that slowly get engulfed by a mass of oozing black goo. Could this have something to do with the recently trademarked Prince of Persia Prodigy, or is this something completely different? 


Source: Kotaku 

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