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It's funny to be running around and watch your character be distracted by a magazine. His "ooooooh!!!!" and laughs are humorous and then to top it off, hears appear over his head.

*edit*- Some things have been frustrating the hell out of me thoug.

Lag is making or breaking the experience for me right now. There hardly feels like there is a timely response when shooting and it can take a moment before any bullets of mine actually hit and cause an enemy to look hurt. Also, unless I'm close up and in auto-aim, it hardly feels like I can do any damage against others and it's really annoying to shoot at somebody while they're running away, they'll get behind a wall where they'll suddenly die because it apparently took that long for my last few bullets to hit them. Another annoying thing is an enemy and myself will be shooting at each other and I'll die and then what feels like a second or two later, he'll die from my bullets despite me already being dead. 

The next area of frustration is coming from the spawn system. It is especially annoying when playing as Snake in the sneaking mission. I didn't notice the problem to be as bad on the new map, but it was an 'in your face' problem in the smaller Blood Bath map, I'll spawn right literally right in the walking path of an enemy.

Is there a place to make suggestions to the developers?