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I'm amazed how calm this thread is so far... I bet when I check back later its turned into a bloody, chaotic mess of furious opinion.

OT - I'd say from what I've picked up the two platforms have different strenghts and weaknesses such as:

PS3 has more processing power (theortically at least) but 360 processing power is easier to harness for games

360 has easier to use SDK and is more familiar to a lot of developers (particularly for games based on PC like tech such as Unreal Engine and other common middleware)

PS3 has HDD so it doesn't have to rely purely on streaming from the disk (whatever you say about BR vs DVD a HDD is best of all) - the downside is this changes game from tradition console 'stick in the disk' mentality to installs and manging disk space

360 has better online MP community capabilities

PS3 has 'slightly' better media centre capabilities in general and for sure if you count BR - I'm basing this of a number of reviews which all felt the 360 was great for streaming content from somewhere else (such as a PC) while PS3 was good at both streaming and having content on its HDD

I'd say both consoles are pretty even currently but that if devs really use the additional processing power meaningfully (i.e. not necessarily for graphics but better AI, better physics, etc) and use the HDD advantage they should be able to squeeze more out of PS3 than may be possible with 360.

Of course I don't think the 360 is topped out either and you've got to wonder when we're going to see each machine start to peak both graphically but also game complexity (AI, etc).

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...