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Miyamotoo said:

That level of splash are causing only games with blood, violence and realistic graphics. For game that dont have blood, violence and realistic graphics, I think Splatoon cause very good splash.

It does matter how game is sells on launch, Pikmin 3 was sold around 120k first week, Xenoblade was sold around 95k first week, and for Splatoon we know it sold around 125k first day.

Also, Splatoon targeting much wider audence than games like Pikmin 3 and Xenoblade. Splatoon is game for everyone, from 5-95 and why Nintendo is targeting Mario Kart and Smash audience with very strong marketing.

You think it will sell 300-400k in first week, but we already know that in Japan is probably around 150k, so you think for rest of world will sell only 150-250k!?

Splatoon will have very good legs because of free content and marketing that goes with it. And no, Splatoon don't look like Indie game, especially to people that played Test Demo or know more informations about game like a Wii U owners.


Splatoon easily could reach 2m at end of year.

For a game without violence, splatoon has solid scores, but in the end, an 81-82 on metacritic is really nothing to brag about. When I talk to friends, I don't hear "hey man, did you see splatoon, it got an agreggate score of 81!", the last of us on the other hand was REALLY talked about due to having many many perfect scores. That is the kind of splash that a new ip should have to be huge, either that or the level of marketing call of duty or destiny got.

we know Japan is 150k shipped not sold, if I had to guess, it is 130k sold. And I do not believe Europe is that Nintendo centric, nor is America willing to pay $60 for a budget game that should be $40. So yes, I do think this game will overall do 300k-400k first week.

Splatoon is game for everyone, from 5-95 and why Nintendo is targeting Mario Kart and Smash audience with very strong marketing.

 This is the very reason splatoon will not have great legs. Because it is not competing against call of duty, rather the already established nintendo ip. I can tell you now, many people who will buy a wii u will buy mario kart or super smash bros first, then super mario 3d world, then donkey kong country, hyrule warriors, or pikmin 3, and then if they still want to buy more, splatoon. Essentially this issue of "low priority" is one that many 3rd party games struggle with on nintendo consoles, and splatoon is no different.

the "free content" you mentioned should have been there to begin with, so yes it will help over the summer, but at the expense of releasing a half finished game (affects reviews and initial buyers), so in the end the dlc brings momentum to compensate for the momentum lost at launch.

I'm sorry, but to many people that I have talked to (as a wii u owner talking to other wii u owners) it does look like an indie/budget game.

I very highly doubt splatoon will reach 2 million by the end of the year, and I am willing to bet on that.