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My Predictions

- Show starts with the usual montage and PR talking. no PS4 sales announced
- then they start things off with showing Starwars Battlefront gameplay
- They continue the big gaming news and show of a new Uncharted trailer, with a March 2016 release date.
- Dead Island 2 gets a gameplay video or gameplay trailer. (from this point out i am not predicting the order, just what will be shown)
- Batman gets a new launch trailer and of course a reminder of the batman limited edition bundle.
- Need for Speed gameplay trailer is shown.
- Tearaway unfolded gets a short trailer + holiday release date
- Project Morpheus gets final name, release date and price set.
- Sony london Show a PM game
- Destiny gets a new expansion announced
- Bloodborne DLC is announced + release window.
- No Mans Sky gameplay/trailer shown + release date for the holidays
- Street Fighter gets new trailer + release window
- Mad Max gameplay video
- Level 5 game announced
- Doom gets gameplay video or trailer
- Assassins Creed gets gameplay/trailer/CGI trailer.
- Ratchet and Clank gets gameplay trailer
- Sony wants to end strong so they show of Media Molecules new game, for PM
- Then they end it off with Guerrilla Games's new IP.