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The only must have for me is FFXIII. Die hard fan of the series, though X-2 made me question my faith (and has given me steely resolve to avoid any SE spinoffs, which have largely sucked. Best of luck to you, vs. XIII). I know GT5 and MGS4 will be fantastic games, but I have never, ever played racer that interested me, and the MGS control scheme from past games have led to me staying far away from the franchise in the past (though I've heard they switched it up with this one). Resistane 2 might be interesting, and will more than likely be great, but the first was both and failed to interest me. Killzone 2, I'll come out and repeat my belief that it will suck. I don't understand the hype. It's like being excited for Advent Rising 2. Guerilla has pretty bad track record, with the PSP top down shooter being their only good game (I played Killzone 1 just to clarify, and thought it sucked. Not just average or mediocre, but downright bad). I'd loved to be surprised on this one, but history isn't on their side.

With that said, I know something will come out of nowhere and hook me. Something ALWAYS does, and the PS3 is barely a year old.