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Wow... Million is posting about fitness and weight loss when really he has absolutely no idea about these things.

25 minutes jogging is better for you than 1 hour of wii fit?


Million - You've obviously got no idea about fitness and what causes weight loss and fitness.

1. Good luck losing weight by jogging for 25 minutes a day - it's going to do nothing. REAL weight loss is achieved by increasing muscle mass which in turn increases the body's BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) - why do you think there are so many fat people who eat lettuce and jog but don't lose any weight. They have completely the wrong idea.

2. I would argue with you until the end of my life that a workout using WiiFit for 1 hour is better than jogging for 25 minutes. First of all like I said above, Jogging is a complete waste of time anyway, plus the workout with WiiFit is a mixed workout which includes many strength and muscle training excercises.

3. I've used Wii Fit and you have not - you are commenting on something that you've 'watched video's of' sorry but everyone thinks that you wont get a real workout with WiiFit before they try it.

4. You obviously have no idea what type of exercises that WiiFit includes. There are pushups and situps (which you name as ways of keeping fit - WOW!) and many other strength based activities.

5. Nintendo themselves say that WiiFit is not a weight loss tool, it is a fitness tool to help you manage your lifestyle and keep yourself motivated to continue getting fit - guess what, in most cases this will lead to weight loss.

6. You have no idea what you're talking about so stop professing too.