My memorable nintendo moment was way back when the snes was out. It was all the rage and very few people had it. Keep in mind in my country tech is like 2x the price and my family was very poor. Back then I barely had any idea what a video game was but my older brother used to talk about it. Then my dad whent to the US for some teemp work and when he came back brought this strange box and cartridges that looked like a vcr. Still no clue what the hell it was and he pluged it in and explained what it was and how games worked, Me and my brother went crazzy and all the kids around our neirborhood where coming over all the time.
Again, I had no idea what this was or what games where, I was like 7-8. Turns out it was just an nes, wiith the first zelda, mario, contra, I think it was galaga and a racer and some others. It was what my father could aford and I could not care less, this is when I first fell in love with zelda. Even the cartridge was gold,much diferent then all the other games, I knew it was especial. I skiped the snes, but have had every other nitendo console since then.
It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.