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solracbrit said:


1.-The company’s forecasts for this year are far less impressive...

what? He has just pointed that not even a slowing economy and an unfavorably strong Japanese yen could get in Nintendo’s way, and then he just say this? As far as I know nintendo will be shipping 25 million units for Wii this fiscal year and 28 million for the DS. The Wii will likely end at 50 million for the next fiscal year and the DS at 100 million. I don't lnow you guys, but for me this numbers sound impressive to me.He said could, that is past tense. Last year that couldn't stand in the way of Nintendo making big profits. He is projecting that the dollar is going to be worth less, so all those systems that Nintendo is going to ship isn't going to bring them the money they did last year.

2.-This reflects a simple fact: Fewer consumers will be blowing their paychecks on video games if the economy turns south. And of the big three video game console makers, Nintendo is the one that stands to lose the most if a recession hits

Really? I should start to read between lines because I can't see as clearly as him how does this numbers reflect that fact. If a recession hits, wouldn't be Nintendo the one to stand the best because its console and games are the cheapest? I can't see him considering that point, not even mention it.Look at my post when I addressed fishyjoe, if Nintendo is targetting casuals, then when times get rough, these casuals aren't going to be looking towards a video game system like a core gamer would. Core gamers will pass out the rough times with their games, casuals will ride out the tough times with things they are a core consumer for, books, movies, whatever. Video games are an expensive hobby.

3.-Slowing sales of the portable DS in Japan.

Ok, this one was the can this be consider as a sign of weaknes when DS has sold 20 million units and 100 millions games faster than any other console ever in Japan? has this guy seen the top 50 in Japan where games that were realese years ago still make the top 20 and even the top 10? Also this year we'll see the launch of Dragon Quest, the biggest franchise in Japan...*sigh*.....The DS already sold those units, already sold those games, that money is already in the bank. With them getting less money from the US and sales of the DS slowing because it has already sold so much, that means less money coming in. Sure dragon quest is going to give it a boost, big franchises will do that. But a 3rd party game doesn't bring in as much money to Nintendo as a first party or a system being sold. it will probably have the same effect as halo 3 did on the 360, spike in consoles that will go back to normal later and a spike in games sold that will go back to normal later.


I don't know about you guys, but I've been here for a while and I still remember how the chartz look like when the PS2 was the king, but I cannot remember a single article calling it a fad, a vulnerable console...Everybody knew it was not as powerfull as the other 2 machines and nobody cared. I don't know what's the problem with this people, why can't they let the little white box be? Now I believe this is all a complot by Microsoft and sony and even some third parties in order to stop nintendo's rising...It sounds wear, call me a fanboy if you want, but I cannot think in a better excuse...

What do you think?All right I will call you a fanboy. Sony/Microsof/Third Parties aren't going to pay off business weekly to have this written for them.


Ok, I had to adress this also, it just bugged me to much.