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Probably alot. I dont keep count.

The latest one (wich isnt new but seems misteriously shocking) is that i think Occulus and Morpheus will be a fad and most probably flop big time(especially morpheus. Occulus may have a market on porn). The tech is not ready, theres no worthwhile software and theres multiple quality of life concerns.
Shocking apparantly. The hype train is underway and it didnt even bother to check if it had tracks to ride on.

I guess, the fact that i like Nintendo's aproach to the game's market over Sony/Microsoft/third parties with their pay for online/microtransactions/DLC malpractices. It's always popular to hate on Nintendo online because their games are deemed kiddy, and the big boys need to feel like men on their gaming habits. They just don't see they will outgrow that too.

Apparantly that makes me  a Nintendo fan i've been told. Even though i dont really dig Mario games. I have a very specific range of Nintendo IP's i like. But i guess it ends up as more than the other first parties. F-zero, Fire emblem, pokemon mainline and Golden sun.

Sony could beat that though, if they made sequals to the IP's i like. Legend of dragoon, wild arms, syphon filter, god of war (this one they are).

So, you know... i may be called a Sony fan in a different day. Who knows. I like to think i'm a fan of games, in particular RPG's. There is only one games company i loved, and they have long since been dead to me (SEGA).