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I was gonna say, with the Warhawks theres a few things I usually try to keep in mind, as far as dogfighting is concerned, I almost always prefer the "Pro flight" setting, but it's far less useful for evading missiles, and I try to avoid the green rockets, because I know for a fact I can shake those like nothing. Go for the yellow ones, air mines, or the electricity tool. They cause some massive damage and when you spam them with the machine gun you end up with some pretty quick kills ;) At least as far as Air battles are concerned.

When it comes to Air to Ground kills, Stealth can be your best friend :P Tow Missltes are god, (I love that you can speed them up, slow them down, etc etc ), and clusterbombs take a while to get used to, but man if you can master them your invincible :P 

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