wait.waitwait wait wait..wIt WIAT,
so, this got lower scores due to "lack of content" and the defence for the lqck of content is that stuff are coming soon and points shouldnt be deducted for lack of content?
what a load of bull crap!
scorew should reflect what it is NOW and whT it will be inx number of months or in the future.
mich like how drive club is better now due to a shyet load of patches. scores should reflect its crapines when it released and not consider the patches.
its the devs/publishers fault for releasing a half baked game and scores should reflect what is there day one not some future promise crap.
lack of content? minus points. glitchy? minus points....bububububuuut we gonna fix it aoon with morw content and patchez.. screw u! reciews must reflect the NOW and not then THEN.
honestly this is he most stupid lame ass bull crap excuess ive heard ever!