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Wyrdness said:

So why would anyone pay full price for Watch Dogs on Wii U 9 months later when it's in bargain bins everywhere else? It's a valid excuse, just being a good game doesn't offset this it's that kind of thinking, the game was released in the holiday season right next to Smash on top of this as well and people wonder why a version handled by its developer like an illigitimate from out the blue didn't sell. It's as comical as Ubisoft delaying and releasing Rayman next to GTAV, if I was a single platform owner I wouldn't buy it either and opt for Smash.

So I assume you didn´t/won´t pay full price for kirby(in europe), XBXC, Bravely second and most likely FExSMT. I mean they are late "ports" after all.

Yup...RO friggin rocked