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I have a DS, 4 PS3, 1 Wii, and 6 360's...

I like 360 the most because of the games, controller, marketplace, and Live.

I had two RRoD consoles and had no problem sending them back and getting replacements. In fact, a week after they came back Microsoft accidently shipped me a third console.

Also, when Live was down at Christmas I was playing with my brother in law at his place locally so we didn't notice. Later Microsoft offered Undertow (which I had already bought) for free as compensation for the pain I never suffered. When, I phoned Live, they reimbursed me the points for the Undertow purchase.

But, I also like my PS3's, even though there could be more games for it.

And my Wii, is pretty much the only games my wife like me to play with the kids.

The DS keeps takes my mind off work at lunch when I have had a crappy day dealing with our whiny staff, program coordinators, project managers, developers, and project architects (Why can't we all just get along?).