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Sonic was never good, even the best sonic game is merely mediocre.

Mortal Kombat is one of the worst fighting game franchises ever and has survived on controversy. If the first game didn't have fatalities and had to rely on its gameplay mechanics to get people to play it wouldn't have gotten a sequel.

Obsidian would be a premiere game dev if they didn't have a room full of retarded monkeys writing their code.

I enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever only because I thought I'd never play it and nostalgia.

The bioshock series as a whole is tremendously overrated.

The Last of Us is a great game but also overrated in that it's been touted by some as the 'game of games' that once and for all solidified video games as art. It's not that, not by a long shot, but it's still very good.

On a similar note, Xenoblade Chronicles is a good game yet immensely overrated by some. Best jrpg of the generation? I can tolerate that, it's certainly in the top ten, maybe even top five so it's debatable at least, but then there are those who say "best jrpg of all time" and that's not just going full retarded, it's friend's retarded cat with the weird, lingering smell that everyone refuses to acknowledge stupid.

Final Fantasy 8 is terrible and people who like it should be shot.

The fifth generation of consoles was amazing, maybe even the best ever, within the confines of its time. The fifth gen has aged horribly though and the vast majority of the games from that era do not stand the test of time and the ones that do tend to pixel-based side scrolling games that would look comfortable in the fourth gen, like symphonies of the night.

Legends is the best megaman.


Deus ex, even in its day, had fairly shitty graphics, but now it's borderline unplayable.

FPS games are always better with a mouse and keyboard, there is no debate, this is fact.

I was disappointed that you couldn't romance a female krogan in mass effect 3.

I don't understand twitch, or youtube "let's play" stuff; watching other people play video games bores me to tears.

mmorpgs and mobas are the worst video game genres. Admittedly, I base this opinion almost entirely on ignorance but I am not remotely interested enough to invest the time it would take to create an informed opinion on that shit.

The Diablo series is fucking horrible.

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