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DonFerrari said:
Cream147 said:
Firstly let's ditch the term "entitlement". Me or anyone else saying that I would have loved the opportunity to spend £50 on Project Cars is not entitlement. If you think it is then you don't understand what entitlement is, or you're just using that inflammatory word to be a jerk.

I'm not going to pretend that I would buy a massive amount of third-party games if they were coming to Wii U - currently I own precisely 0 retail third party games, and that situation is now likely to stay the same for some time until I get around to buying Rayman Legends or Zombi U.

However, would I have bought GTA V if it released on Wii U? Yes, and I think I'm far from the only one who would buy such a critically acclaimed and popular game. Rock Band 4 and Project Cars? Yes and yes, and again, I don't think I'd be the only one. Rock Band has sold respectably on Nintendo consoles in the past, and I think there would still be enough of a market there to make it worthwhile. Guitar Hero Live will on the other hand obviously struggle due to its extortionate price and gimmicky look, and this will be held up as an example of why you can't release third party games on Nintendo consoles.

The other thing is that third parties simply don't help themselves on Nintendo consoles. Mass Effect 3 released with Wii U on launch day. Well thanks a lot EA, I'd get it, but I've never played Mass Effect 1 and 2! How about releasing the whole trilogy? Instead, EA chalk Mass Effect 3's failure as a reason why we can't release on Nintendo consoles. The Rayman Legends issue has been talked over to death and was yet another way to screw over Nintendo fans - and yes, Nintendo fans don't forget that kind of thing. Watch Dogs is yet another ridiculous one, with a long delay ending in a bad port - and the mediocre response to the game already clocked by the Nintendo fans. When I went to my local game store on the one hand I could see Watch Dogs for 360 in the bargain bin for a fiver, and on the Wii U it was selling for £56. Yeah, thanks but no thanks. Project Cars looks like the latest and perhaps worst of betrayals. We were told how great the game was running on Wii U and how the Gamepad allowed for some creative ideas on their part. Now after all the promises, this is what we get. Of course we're annoyed, and being annoyed here is no more entitled than the people who were annoyed when Silent Hills was cancelled.

And then there's the constant sneering and snipes made at Nintendo fans by these third party companies. EA have a history of this, constantly mocking the consoles and the users. An Activision rep recently laughed at the idea of the latest CoD coming to Wii U - pretty disrespectful to the 300k customers who bought their games for Wii U. No one likes being made fun of - it's pretty much insult to injury in these situations.

Bleh, vent over I guess. If the right third party experience came along I promise I'd buy it, but not CoD or AC and not games that have been on the shelf for months and you expect me to shell out full price for a sub-optimal version. And I think that's how many Wii U owners feel.

Yet all that happened on PS (with CEO of Acti saying Sony needed to get their shit together and start selling PS3 and not make rubbish complicated HW)... we got several late late ports (like 2 years after), we got ME 2 without ME1, and all the other shit... guess what, the games still sold very good on PS, and most of the customers don't even follow all this BS on the web.

Right, so because PS3 owners ate the garbage with a shovel means Wii U owners should spend their hard-earned money on substandard games. Sorry, but I simply can't afford to do that. Again, I don't think it's the publisher's job to release their entire library on Wii U when it certainly wouldn't sell, but treat Wii U owners (who are potential customers) with some respect.