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-God of War is more like God of Bore and just about every other game in the stylish action genre is better.

-Killzone is one of the most boring FPS franchises I've ever played. Hopefully Sony stops trying to shove this series down our throats as the next CoD because it's never going to be.

-Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask and Link to the Past are snorefests. Both games literally put me to sleep.

-Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening is the best in the series.

-3D Dot Game Heroes is a ripoff of the Legend of Zelda and is better.

-Earthbound is only good because of its graphical style and gameplay outside of combat, in combat the gameplay is rather weak. Super Mario RPG is the same.

-Legend of Dragoon is garbage. It's a QTE filled mess of an RPG that is only praised because of the pretty animations that you see over and over and over again.

-Valkyrie Profile is another garbage overrated RPG in which the unique combat is cool for like two seconds tops, then you're doing the same thing the rest of the game. Over half of this games storyline is locked behind side quests that you have to do the exact action at the exact chapter or you're locked out.

Here are my personal opinions that are unpopular(and they're about gaming.)

-Most hardcore RPG fans are wannabes who have only played the most popular franchises. They're not very hardcore imo.

-Depending on popularity, whether something is unpopular or popular, most gamers are sheep that parrot the opinions of the media instead of forming their own opinions.