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A while back I was reading the book "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Robert Heinlein for probably the third time. In that book there is a particularly interesting group marriage (which also was a line marriage I think) that had a head husband and a head wife. I was trying to explain it to two of my friends who are gay (like myself) and they just blew polygamy off as patriarchs marrying young girls and that it could never work out and we should not associate with polygamists NOR polyamorists. I've since asked many people gay, straight, bisexual, etc alike and they also have similar opinions on it. It didn't matter if they were religions or irreligious, they hold said beliefs. Its interesting seeing the responses here are so positive. I see myself living a very single life, but I can also see myself in a polygamous group marriage where you have the freedom expressed in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. It just baffles me how people who are part of groups that were told they couldn't marry or discriminated against because of their relationship choices feel like they should do that to others, most of all.