mai said:
It's CD Projekt Red's way to say -- yes, it's open world and all but you're not allowed over here, pal.
I'm at the very beginning, just killed a griffon. My biggest complaints are: what the heck is going on (no previous experience with the books and the games)? controls are a bit awkward, mostly swimming and battle on horses (PS4 version); localization is ranging from average to excellent and from character to character, but they do f**king swear, not a lot but if they do they use mat, which is disturbing + localization synchronization makes speech sounds funny sometimes (slower or faster than intended), might actually switch to Polish + subtitles, a good way to learn a little Polish. |
I've been playing in Polish since the beginning. It adds a lot to the immersion and the voice acting is great in Polish, sounds very natural. I'm picking up a few words already, yet I wonder what response I'll get in a polish bakery with "I'll rip of your melon and shit down your neck" Still disturbing in the subtitles...
I have no idea how to spell the few words I've picked up though, cool language anyway. Googled how to spell hello cześć Yep that's what I thought...
I don't mind the high level quest as an indication there will be something to go back for, yet laying it all open right at the start (just after the griffon) spoils the discovery a bit and feels more like "These are the 3 areas you'll be working on for the rest of the game, in this order, now get to it"
It's no different from other wrpgs in the sense that the meat and bones is in the sidequests. The main quest is a small thread to keep you moving forward. A world with a collection of short stories, which is what it was based on anyway. Witcher book series is a collection of short stories as well.